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Kindness Cup

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

At the end of each half term a pupil from each Key Stage is awarded The Kindness Cup. This special award is to recognise pupils who have gone above and beyond to show kindness to others and are a role model to their peers.

Autum 2 2024 Winners:

KS1 - Pola
KS2 - Liliana


Autumn 1 2024 Winners:

KS1 - Amelia
KS2 – Walid



Pupils at St. George’s display high levels of kindness and thoughtfulness in many ways. During a recent pupil led Celebration of The Word in Year 6, the pupils created Kindness Bags to share with their classmates. In their response to The Word, they invited the children to draw images of what kindness means to them and the pupils then wrote positive affirmations for themselves to reflect on each day. These are both now kept in their Kindness Bags. This idea was entirely pupil driven and an example of their kindness and creativity in action.