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Red polo shirt *, Jogging bottoms * and sweatshirt *, black trainers, Red Book bag
PE T-shirt * in house colour (after Easter).
Summer Summer
Red Polo Shirt * Red and White Striped Dress
Grey Trousers White socks
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children MUST have the red book bag with school logo.
Rucksacks are not permitted for infant children.
The Uniform is as follows:
White shirt White shirt
House Tie** House Tie
Navy jumper with logo * Navy cardigan (logo) **
Grey trousers/shorts Navy skirt/pinafore/trousers
Black shoes Black shoes and White socks
Navy or White Tights (winter only)
Summer Summer
Red Polo Shirt Red and White Striped Dress
Grey Trousers/Shorts White socks
Year 6 only – open neck White Blouse and Navy Skirt
Most of the School uniform items are available from any high street retailer but the items with an asterisk are only available from Earth Uniform on line www.earthuniform.com
Navy school tracksuit*, navy shorts* with the school logo and PE T-shirt in house colour*, Black Trainers
* School PE uniform available only from Earth Uniform. 08450170813/108
Please note that any winter accessories, e.g. Hats, gloves and scarfs, must be RED, BLACK or NAVY ONLY
Coats and Jackets must be plain Navy or Black (with no logos).
At St George’s, parent volunteers run regular second hand uniform sales in school.
Second Hand Uniform is also available at other times, if required, by enquiring at the School Office in confidence.
School Footwear
We require all our students to wear plain black school shoes or trainers.
Examples of CORRECT trainers for school
Examples of INCORRECT trainers for school
PE Kit for Years 1-6
School Tracksuit (with logo)
Navy or black shorts, House t-shirt (with logo), plain black trainers (no logos)
NB: Open-toed shoes are NOT permitted at any time. Boots are also NOT permitted anytime.
Second Hand Uniform
At St George’s, parent volunteers run regular second-hand uniform sales in school. Second Hand Uniform is also available at other times, if required, by enquiring at the school office in confidence.